Plotting in XmGrace — Jscatter documentation. Plotting in XmGrace ¶. A high-level Python interface to the Grace plotting package XmGrace. One line command plotting: plot of numpy arrays and dataArrays without predefining Data or Symbol objects. Customizing Xmgrace General parametrization of the software. Create the file /.grace/gracerc.user and enter your device parameters. Example: setting default printing to the.eps format: add the following line HARDCOPY DEVICE 'EPS' Creating a default template graph used when opening xmgrace.
grace - command line interface
xmgrace - full-featured GUI mode
gracebat - batch mode - print and exit
Demonstration of xmgrace, plotting and data analysis program available on Linux computersTable of Contents:00:48 - importing data01:51 - multiple data sets02.
Conda install linux-64 v8.0; osx-64 v8.0; noarch v8.1.0; To install this package with conda run one of the following: conda install -c cdat xmgrace conda install -c cdat/label/nightly xmgrace. Feb 05, 2017 The usual data-format for Grace/xmgrace is an ascii-file with tabs as column-separators and new-lines as row-sparators. But if you are using dates or time this will not work nevertheless. If you want I can upload the current development-version of QtGrace that is very capable of reading files of differnt formats via simple drag and drop.
Grace is a WYSIWYG tool to make two-dimensional plots of scientific data.
grace [ option | filename ]...
xmgrace [ option | filename ]...
gracebat [ option | filename ]...
Use free page layout
Run grace in monochrome mode (affects the display only)
Assume the answer is yes to all requests, if the operation would overwrite a file, grace will do so without prompting
Read data from stdin on startup
Xmgrace Tutorial
Run in the safe mode (default)
When run in the GUI mode, the interface is a subject to X resource settings.
- mozilla %s
- Specifies the editor which is used to edit sets. Default is xterm -e vi
- The print command.
- and GRACE_FFTW_WISDOM_FILE A flag (0 or 1) and a file name which determine whether a FFT should use 'wisdom' when using the FFTWlibraries.
In many cases, when Grace needs to access a file given with a relative pathname, it searches for the file along the following path:./pathname:./.grace/pathname:~/.grace/pathname:$GRACE_HOME/pathname
The following files are of a special importance:
gracerc - init file loaded upon start up.
templates/Default.agr - the default template, loaded whenever a new project is started.
fonts/FontDataBase - the file responsible for font configuration.
See Also
grconvert(1), X(1) [or xorg(1)], Grace User's Guide
Xmgrace Tutorial
Home Page
The best way to submit a bug report is using the 'Help/Comments' menu entry. Alternatively, see the home page.
Xmgrace Install
Grace is derived from ACE/gr (a.k.a Xmgr ) written by Paul J Turner. From version number 4.00, the development was taken over by a teamof volunteers under the coordination of Evgeny Stambulchik.
Xmgrace Linux
Copyright © 1991-1995 Paul J Turner, Portland, OR
Copyright © 1996-2007 Grace Development Team
Xmgrace Tutorial
The program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,or (at your option) any later version.