Webkinz Room Themes

Arte’s Curio Shop has some amazing things, including many themes that are only stocked on his shelves! His stock changes every hour, so you’ll have to check back often to see what he has to offer! Items marked with the “Arte’s Favorites” logo are exclusive to the Curio Shop!

The Bloomin’ Room theme was first introduced in 2011 at the WShop, removed in 2013, then added back in 2014 with additional items. In 2015, even more items were added, but the whole theme was then retired to the Curio Shop (with the side table remaining permanently retired). See also: Decorating Your Room My House is the home for all your Webkinz Pets and Mazin' Hamsters. Users were able to view and rate rooms in My Page. 1 Uses 2 Purchasing a Room 3 Room Types 3.1 Outdoor Room 3.2 Treetop Room 3.3 Underwater Room Rooms can be used for a lot of different activities in Webkinz World. Many items sold in the WShop are interactive, so players can use them to play. This room was inspired by the Super Chef room in the Webkinz clubhouse. It doesn't look a lot like the Super Chef room, but that room is what gave me the idea to make a huge kitchen for my Webkinz. It doesn't look a lot like the Super Chef room, but that room is what gave me the idea to make a huge kitchen for my Webkinz. Sep 2, 2020 - Webkinz rooms designed by me. See more ideas about webkinz, room design, design.


The Bloomin’ Room theme was first introduced in 2011 at the WShop, removed in 2013, then added back in 2014 with additional items. In 2015, even more items were added, but the whole theme was then retired to the Curio Shop (with the side table remaining permanently retired). If you ever see any of these beautiful bloomin’ pieces when visiting Arte, make sure you grow your collection by picking them up!

Put all of the pieces of this theme together and you’ll have one cleverly cultivated room!

Webkinz Room Designs

Deluxe Members also have access to a second set of Curio Shop items updated hourly, so they have TWICE the chance of finding amazing items! Learn more about Deluxe Membership here.


Pictures Of Webkinz Room Themes

Webkinz Room Themes

Webkinz Room Theme Contest

Have YOU been collected any of the items from gorgeous garden-inspired room theme? Let us know in the comments below!